November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting Item 15 Additional Information Notice of Motion

From: Lori Hill

Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2020 9:36 PM

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Subject: Fwd: Addressing Item 15 Notices of Motion Council Meeting Nov 9,2020

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From: Lori Hill

Date: Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 9:33 PM

Subject: Addressing Item 15 Notices of Motion Council Meeting Nov 9,2020

To: <>

Cc: <>, <>, <>, Bortolin, Rino <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

I’m writing to ensure that my opinion is part of the public record with regard to the motion asking city council to support the construction of a new hospital on County Road42. I’m a Ward 4 resident and I DO NOT support construction of a new hospital build on County Road42. I want to make it very clear however that this does not mean that I do not support new healthcare investment.

Hospitals are critical infrastructure in cities. Siting of a hospital is an extremely important planning decision for the well being of a city. A city should absolutely be involved in deciding where that infrastructure is sited. That involvement should take into account all of the concerns that residents have. WHERE WAS THIS PROCESS??? The City of Windsor deferred all responsibility for this to the hospital who in turn refused to address a single concern, consistently citing they had moved on to next phase of their process. It should be questioned as to why a city would trust that a Site Selection Committee, with no city planning expertise, hand chosen by the hospital and given task to score criteria that was written and weighted by the hospital themselves could possibly choose the best most efficient and responsible hospital site for a city.

It’s very clear to me now after seeing how this process has played out through the years that allowing citizens to voice concerns at city council without any attempt to address those concerns and knowing that the hospital had dismissed all concerns regarding the proposed location was part of a well orchestrated, collaborative effort between the city and the hospital to push this project through with as little resistance possible. As a result of this people have been left out. Their concerns for their health and well being, liveability, environment, economy, social equity and their ideas, knowledge and hopes for seeing a best and most responsible plan put forward have thus far been shut down. There have been five years of posturing, manoeuvering and avoiding resident's concerns by the city to forward this hospital build. Five years of