November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting Item 15 Additional Information Notice of Motion

From: k h

Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 9:09 AM

To: clerks <>

Subject: Re: Item 15 (Notices of Motion)

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To whom it concerns,

I am writing in regards to the Nov. 9, 2020 City Council Agenda, particularly Item 15 (Notices of Motion). I am concerned about the location of the new regional hospital on County Road 42 as it creates barriers to equitable healthcare access for citizens in Windsor's core. I chose to live in Ward 3 based on my ability to walk or cycle to most amenities, including healthcare facilities. For many in Ward 3 without access to motor vehicles, taxi rides to County Road 42 would be cost prohibitive but necessary given the inadequacy of the proposed transit plan. Those living in the core are the most likely to lack reliable transportation, so centrally located facilities are paramount to equitable healthcare access. Having experienced a recent hospital stay at the Ouellette location and follow-up appointments at Windsor-Regional, the proximity of both these facilities to Ward 3 has been crucial to my recovery. A hospital on County Road 42 would have been a major barrier to my access to emergency and ongoing care in that it would marginalize those without consistent transportation access.

Please reconsider the location of the hospital for one that more equitably serves the population in Windsor.


Kate Hargreaves Ward 3 Resident

Kate Hargreaves (she | her)

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