November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting Item 15 Additional Information Notice of Motion

From: Oliver Swainson

Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 9:08 AM

To: clerks <>

Subject: Re: Item 15 (Notices of Motion)

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To whom it concerns,

I am writing in regards to Item 15 (Notices of Motion) on the Nov. 9, 2020 City Council Agenda. I do not support the location of the new regional acute care hospital on County Road 42. As a resident of Ward 3, I am deeply concerned about the prospect of moving hospital care out of the city core. The population in Windsor's core is less likely to have access to transportation to a hospital on the outskirts of town due to not only socioeconomic barriers but also the choice to live in a walkable area of the city with amenities close by. I choose to live in the core due to its access to necessary services on foot, by bicycle, or if necessary, a short car or taxi ride. Moving the hospital out of the core will make it inaccessible to a large population of Windsorites who do not rely on motor vehicles for transportation. The proposed transit plan is inadequate to support the needs of the proposed hospital location. The citizens of Windsor's core deserve access to the new hospital, and the proposed location would make it all but inaccessible to them.

I urge you to reconsider the location of the hospital for one that is more central and equitable to the people of Windsor.


Oliver Swainson Ward 3 Resident