This suggestion and location was presented to the Special Events Resource Team (SERT) for review. Upon review, SERT was not able to approve the event in the requested location as the number of vehicles along the street would present a risk for numerous reasons (should an accident occur, a vehicle cease to operate, emergency vehicles need to access the area, etc...).

Subsequently, the WPC identified alternative locations to hold a drive-by parade. Locations discussed included Mic Mac Park, Devonshire Mall and St. Clair College. After exploring all options, the WPC identified St. Clair College as the preferred location for a stationary parade. The City’s Special Events Resource Team (SERT) has no concerns with St. Clair College as the new location for the 2020 stationary Santa Claus parade.

Hosting this event requires approximately 4 weeks to organize. Should the WPC move forward with hosting the event at St. Clair College, they would need to begin their planning no later than Monday, November 9, 2020. As such, a decision by City Council is needed immediately.

Risk Analysis:

There is low risk in approving this “stationary parade” for the 2020 season. SERT has already reviewed the proposed location and layout and have no concerns in terms of safety with the event being held at St. Clair College.

The WECHU indicated they would not approve a traditional parade due to the high risk associated with the size of the crowd during the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to mitigate that risk, the WPC is proposing the stationary parade in order to minimize close contact among visitors. As those attending the parade will be required to be in a car, the potential to spread COVID-19 to people outside of that car is low. WECHU has approved this format.

Climate Change Risks

This project would result in an increase of greenhouse gas emissions because of numerous cars driving by the stationary parade. As this type of event has not taken place before, organizers are unsure of how many cars may attend. Due to COVID-19, appropriate alternatives to mitigate this risk do not exist. As the parade is only one night and only between the hours of 6pm-9pm, the risk is minimal.

Climate Change Mitigation:


Climate Change Adaptation: