Meeting Date

Motion/ Resolution

Report Number

CLT Member/ Executive Director



July 8, 2019


SCM 205/2019 &

S 102/2019

City Planner

That this Council Report responding to CQ 1-2019 on the benefits and process to designating Walkerville a Heritage Conservation District under the Ontario Heritage Act BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION; and,

That Administration BE DIRECTED to proceed with the implementation of the Walkerville Heritage Conservation District Study; and,

That administration PROVIDE a fulsome report to the Development and Heritage Standing Committee outlining the process, timelines and next steps.

July 8, 2019


SCM 211/2019


S 104/2019

City Planner

That the report of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee dated

May 22, 2019 regarding the Ford City Community Improvement Plan Grant

Applications made by Various Owners for Various Properties in the Ford

City Community Improvement Area, Ward 5 BE DEFERRED to allow

Administration to undertake a further review on this matter.

July 8, 2019


SCM 183/2019


S 97/2019

Commissioner of Community Development and Health Services

...That Administration BE DIRECTED to bring the Community Safety and Well-being Plan to City Council and the Windsor Police Services Board in sufficient time to be adopted prior to the Provincial government’s deadline of January 1, 2021; and further,

That the Commissioner of Community Development and Health Services or her designate BE REQUESTED to provide regular updates to the Community Services and Parks Standing Committee over the process of development and implementation of the Community Safety and Well-being Plan.

CR337/2020 Extended deadline