any appropriate investments should proceed in order to accommodate the new developments. The analysis should include a consolidated traffic impact study, an analysis of the condition of the roadway, the need for traffic management infrastructure and/or traffic calming as well as active transportation capacities or deficiencies.

ST2020 (July 27, 2020)


City Solicitor


Ask Administration to report back on options to deal with issues tied to donation drop boxes and the organizations/businesses that house them. The issues are, but not limited to, blight, squatting, lighting, security, after hours access and crime attraction. Would also ask that Administration consider licensing, by-law and even zoning options while comparing what other municipalities do as well.

APM2020 (August 4, 2020)

Type of


Required -Written Report

Deferred to a future meeting CR486/2020


Commissioner of



Culture &



Ask that Administration prepare a report to update the 2015 Playground Audit Report. This should include but not be limited to, the current inventory of playgrounds in the city and their locations, a review of playgrounds that were removed for reconsideration and recommendations for future changes to the inventory or alternative amenities. Ask that Administration report back in a timely manner for future capital budget discussions.

SR/12397 (August 24, 2020)

Type of


Required -Written Report


City Planner


Asks that administration REPORT BACK to the Development and Heritage Standing Committee with a proposed policy that would permit an interactive neighbourhood process to officially name alleys and laneways, including budgetary impacts.

ST2020 (August 24, 2020)

Type of


Required -Written Report


City Engineer


As a result of heavy rainfall that occurred on Friday, August 28, 2020, many homes in South Windsor experienced significant basement flooding. In addition, to sustaining property damage, residents also incurred substantial loss of personal property. In many cases, the losses experienced will be far greater than what their insurance will cover. While other areas of the

Type of


Required -Written Report