City received significant amounts of rain and experienced some basement flooding, the greatest concentration of basement flooding occurred in Ward 1. As a result, I request that Administration provide a full analysis of why and how flooding occurred in Ward 1 on August 28, 2020. Please include within your analysis all contributing factors from outside jurisdictions and further, please identify any immediate improvements necessary to mitigate future risks of basement flooding. Please also identify any elements of the Sewer Master Plan that, once in place, will reduce future instances of basement flooding within this area.

SW/12983 (September 14, 2020)


City Solicitor


That Administration bring back a report that outlines the challenges and opportunities to develop a local procurement policy.

AL2020 (September 14, 2020)

Type of


Required -Written Report


City Solicitor


Asks administration to REPORT BACK to City Council on opportunities to expand our bylaw # 3-2006 – a bylaw to establish standards respecting yard waste and exterior property maintenance and to prohibit littering in the city of Windsor – to assist in better enforcing overgrowth of all types of landscaping, and any overgrowth in general that is neglected by the property owner.

AB2020 (September 14, 2020)

Type of


Required -Written Report


City Engineer


Asks administration to REPORT BACK to City Council on strategies to enforce overgrowth in alleys and resources needed for the same. In addition and included in the report a complete list of 311 complaints over the past year on right-of-way infractions both in alleys and outside of alleys and action taken on the same.

GM2020 (September 14, 2020)

Type of


Required -Written Report

/sg as of November 6, 2020