Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Office of the Minister 777 Bay Street, 17th Floor Toronto ON M7A 2J3 Tel.: 416 585-7000

Ministère des Affaires municipales et du Logement

Bureau du ministre 777, rue Bay, 17e étage Toronto ON M7A 2J3 Tél. : 416 585-7000

October 26, 2020

Drew Dilkens
Mayor, City of Windsor
350 City Hall Square P.O. Box 1607
Windsor ON N9A 6S1

Dear Drew Dilkens:

Re: Social Services Relief Fund (SSRF) – Phase 2 Service Manager Business Case Approval – with follow up direction

As you know, this summer, my ministry announced $362 million in new provincial and federal funding under a second phase of the Social Services Relief Fund (SSRF) to help protect vulnerable people from COVID-19. The Social Services Relief Fund has been effective in supporting Service Managers and Indigenous Program Administrators to respond quickly, adapt services, and address the housing and economic impacts of COVID-19 in their communities. The additional investment of SSRF Phase Two can help Service Managers and Indigenous Program Administrators continue to protect homeless shelter staff and residents, expand rent support programming and create longer-term housing solutions.

This brings the government’s total Social Services Relief Fund investment provided to Service Managers and Indigenous Program Administrators to $510 million.

This is part of our commitment of up to $4 billion for municipalities across the province under the federal-provincial Safe Restart Agreement. This funding will help municipalities protect the health and well-being of the people of Ontario while delivering critical public services, such as public transit and shelters, as the province continues down the path of renewal, growth and economic recovery.

Prior to receiving SSRF Phase 2 funds, you were asked to submit a business case to the Ministry. The business case process provided an opportunity for you to outline how your initial planning allocation would be used and assisted the Ministry in ensuring that funds were being directed to the communities most in need. The business cases were reviewed by the Ministry, as well as an inter-ministerial working group, which made recommendations on funding decisions.