3.10 Expenses

The Film Company is responsible for any out-of-pocket expenses related to the use of Municipality owned properties and expenses. It is the Film Company's responsibility to ensure that there is a minimum of disruption to residents and businesses where filming occurs. The Film Company is under no obligation to provide compensation for disruption unless agreed to in advance and/or receipts accompanying any claims of compensation are presented to the Film Company, with the exception that the film company has not conducted filming as per their notification letter or have been negligent in conducting filming in a manner that does not effect business operations.

3.11 Damaged Property

Every effort must be made by the film crew production company to ensure that property is not damaged, in particular, property that has been determined to be of historic significance or designated as a heritage property or property within a heritage district.

3.12 Parking / bagging meters

The Chief Building Official is responsible for approving the waiving of parking fees in public parking areas, the bagging and/or removal of parking meters.

3.13 Set decoration

No permanent or temporary road fixtures or signs may be covered, removed or altered without the approval of the Works and Engineering Department representative. If alterations to property or the construction of sets/staging is required, the Film Company is responsible for restoring all exterior and interior building finishes and fixtures to their original condition at the conclusion of filming. Requests to fly flags from other countries at Town Hall or any Municipal site may be considered as part of the application process. Approval will be reviewed on a request specific basis and may be granted at the discretion of the MC or designate with appropriate posting and public notification required.

3.14 Local sourcing

The Film Company agrees to make every effort to patronize local businesses and services. Please refer to the Municipality of Port Hope Filming Resource Guide.

3.15 Consideration

Lighting for filming should be directed away from neighbouring residences and should not interfere with the safe traffic movements. Noise from generators should be kept at a minimum.

3.16 Staff

Please convey to your crew that the citizens and businesses are allowing you to be in their neighbourhood. The people and locations should be treated respectfully; staff should operate in a safe and professional manner. It is the responsibility of the Film Company to ensure that happens.

4. Insurance Documentation