Filming in the Municipality of Port Hope

1. Policy

The Municipality of Port Hope welcomes the film industry to enjoy our many assets and our quality of life. We support the use of facilities by commercial and non-commercial film companies and photographers for moving and still photography. All filming should have regard for the rights, safety and privacy of the citizens and businesses of Port Hope and for the security and preservation of the properties.

2. Permit Application process

Permits are required for location filming, except for current affairs and newscasts, on streets or property under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Port Hope and are authorized by the Municipal Clerk (MC) or designate.

First contact should be with the Municipality of Port Hope Marketing & Tourism, which is responsible for guiding you through the process of a successful film shoot. Initial contact is recommended at a minimum of 4 weeks prior to filming. An initial meeting will be held between the Municipality and the Film Company at which time an overview of the filming project will be discussed. If a Film Liaison Officer is required, one will be appointed at this time by the Municipality and will be at the expense of the Film Company.

If street closures, exceptions to by-laws or special effects are involved, which require the approval of Municipal Council, the application for a filming permit must be received at least 3 weeks prior to filming.

Please have your documentation complete and agreements in place at least one week (7 days) prior to shooting, if no action by Council is required.

2.1 Notifications

The Film Company will be required to notify and/or gain approval of the shoot from various departments, agencies and individuals, depending on the nature and timing of the project. Individuals and organizations that require notification are outlined in this policy and will be discussed at the initial meeting.

It is important at this stage to make it clear that these activities are part of the process of negotiating for permission, and not to imply that permission has been granted.

Notification of filming must be forwarded to residences and businesses at least 7 days prior to filming. Letter must be approved by the MC or designate prior to distribution. Please refer to attached sample Letter to Residents / Businesses and Sign-off sheet for recommended wording (Appendix G).

2.2 Approvals

The applicant may be required to obtain prior written approval from the Chief(s) of Police, Fire Chief, the Municipal Engineer or other organizations and individuals, depending on the nature of the shoot. It is the responsibility of the Film Company to contact the appropriate departments for approval and signatures (Appendix B). Once approvals are in place and documentation complete, the MC or designate, in consultation with other staff and/or the Municipal Council, as appropriate, is responsible for issuing film permits.

The Municipality reserves the right to revoke any permission that has been given pursuant to this policy in the event that the permission was based on any information which was provided by the film company which was false, incorrect or misleading at the time the permission was granted.