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UN-HABITAT invited the Autism Housing Network (AHN) Director, Desiree Kameka Galloway, to virtually attend and speak at the World Human Rights Cities Forum (WHRCF).

LOCAL AND GLOBAL: Sessions at the WHRCF are conducted in person and online internationally, like this one in October 2019. The forum brings together international governments and organizations for advocacy and discussion to advance human rights to housing across the globe.
Kameka Galloway will discuss how COVID19 has impacted housing options and highlights the urgency to prioritize housing solutions for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) on a global scale.
Kameka Galloway stated, "For people with disabilities to be included in society and find accessible homes, physical, environmental, technical and social barriers must be identified and dismantled. COVID-19 has widened the gaps of those often left behind, shedding light on those whom systemic injustices have hidden and kept quiet in its shadows."
The theme of WHRCF's 10th anniversary event is "The Future of Human Rights Cities: Local Memories and Global Sharing." This forum brings together international governments and organizations for advocacy and discussion to advance human rights to housing across the globe. This particular event will host speakers to discuss various global issues related to residential needs in the COVID era.
"The right to housing is a freestanding right, but public awareness of this basic right remains low. The youth, the hope for the future, should be entitled to a safe and secure home. The effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic are disproportionate and the youth are vulnerable to poor housing conditions." according to the WHRCF. The WHRCF is dedicated to policy and social change to assure that everyone has a peaceful place to live, while amplifying the voices of excluded and marginalized communities.
UN-HABITAT partners with government agencies, organizations, foundations, etc. to address challenges of urbanization. UN-HABITAT is currently involved with 100 countries to help protect people against COVID-19 and the effects of the pandemic particularly in poor and densely populated areas. The collaborative effort will help nations work towards inclusive, safe residential environments in a neurodiverse world. The event takes place at the Kim Daejung Convention Center October 7-9, 2020. Registration is closed, but interested parties can access the live video stream through this link. Desiree Kameka Galloway will be presenting on October 8th between 12:30-3:30pm KST (UTC +9).
The AHN, a project of Madison House Autism Foundation, compiled and maintains one of the largest databases of user-generated resources and residential opportunities while fostering a supportive and encouraging online community. Kameka Galloway is nationally recognized for her expertise in neuro-inclusive housing, empowering local leaders to create inclusive communities, and leading advocacy and action alongside adults with autism and other neurodiversities. If you want more information, please contact Christina Wandry: cwandry@madisonhouseautism.org asha.org/public
I want to highlight an upcoming free virtual event hosted by and featuring some very dedicated advocates for neurodiversity! From Saturday, October 17th through Wednesday, October 21st, Stanford University will be hosting their Stanford Neurodiversity Summit. Dr. Lawrence Fung will be leading this free virtual event dedicated to looking at neurodiverse employment and careers. I will be presenting along with an impressive list of world neurodiversity leaders, including Judy Singer and previous Exploring Different Brains guest Dr. Nancy Doyle! Click here for more information! So please take advantage of this important free event, and thank you to Brooke Schnittman, Dr. Lawrence Fung, and everyone at Stanford University for all they are doing for those of us with different brains! — Hackie Reitman, M.D. President and Founder, Different Brains Inc.
XRHealth, a leader in extended reality and therapeutic applications, announces a new VR therapy application for ADHD.
The application is aimed to improve well known ADHD cognitive functioning such as attention, impulsivity and higher, more complex thinking functions such as: initiating, organizing, planning and fully executing daily tasks. The VR solution closely monitors user progress based on sustained focus while distractions are present.
A new FDA policy enables clinicians to prescribe VR therapy for patients with ADHD during the public health emergency of COVID-19 as an adjunct to clinician-supervised outpatient treatment. The VR training solution is based on the brain plasticity principle, which is the brain's ability to restructure itself in attempt to overcome existing challenges. The application uses well based cognitive principles shown in the research field that are effective in facilitating this process. To further enhance its effectiveness, the application allows the clinician to create, monitor, and adjust the training process at every step. In every training session a user-adaptive mechanism, backed by eye-tracking technology, is available to allow the clinician to adjust the task difficulty level in accordance with the patient's ability. This mechanism is meant to challenge patients and constantly motivate them to enhance their performance.
"Our training method is able to help a child or adult brain better cope with ADHD," said Eran Orr, CEO of XRHealth. "The interactive nature of the therapy is able to give clinicians critical measurements of improved concentration and attention span as well as reduced impulsivity."
Clinicians using the XRHealth VR training method will prescribe the number and length of VR therapy sessions for each individual ADHD patient. Some of the application's core advantages, include:
• Motor activation: Patients with ADHD commonly experience issues with both cognitive and motor abilities. The XRHealth application is one of the few digital cognitive training applications that intertwine motor and cognitive activity into an integrated digital, clinically monitored training program.
• The visual and auditory experience mimics real life activity to improve motor movement.
• Better clinical monitoring: The application gives the clinician comprehensive, detailed and precise information about patient performance and improvement during every session.
• Integrated eye tracking technology: The eye tracking technology provides unbiased, objective, and quantifiable data that can be used for better patient assessment, training, and monitoring.
The therapeutic platform will be available to consumers later this year on the XRHealth web site. The XRHealth platform is not intended to represent a substitution for a patient's medication, and any recommendations provided by the application are supportive in nature and should not be solely or primarily relied upon to treat ADHD.
XRHealth, is a leader in extended reality therapeutic applications providing both VR and AR solutions for the medical industry. XRHealth is the first certified Extended Reality medical company in the world; their Medical Applications are FDA & CE Registered. They provide first-of-itskind healthcare technology that helps clinicians better manage their patients' care via specialized extended reality technology solutions and data analysis. XRHealth created the first virtual reality telehealth clinic in the world that utilizes the VRHealth Platform, which collects and examines user data through artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud-computing algorithms to deliver advanced data analytics in real-time, consistently enabling healthcare providers to enhance their users' and payers' healthcare experiences. The company offers a variety of patentpending solutions from rehabilitation services to cognitive assessment and training, to pain management. XRHealth works with several world-renowned U.S. healthcare providers, hospitals and rehabilitation centers.

VIRTUALLY REAL: XRHealth's VR training solution for ADHD will help develop focus and concentration in the presence of distractions. VR has been gaining steam as a treatment for various medical challenges, ranging from mid-procedure surgical pain to social anxiety, loneliness and isolation.
Founded in 2016, XRHealth is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. For more information, visit xr.health.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARIES: This year marks not only the 75th observance of NDEAM, but also the 30th anniversary of the ADA. Both milestones are being commemorated with a range of events and activities centered on the theme "Increasing Access and Opportunity."
The American Bar Association joins the country this October in observing National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). This year marks the nation's 75th observance of NDEAM and the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This month provides us with an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the contributions of workers with disabilities and to educate others about the value of a diverse workforce. This year's theme, "Increasing Access and Opportunity," emphasizes the importance of expanding the role that people with disabilities play in America's economic success and ensuring that workplaces continue to include and accommodate their needs through technology, best practices and awareness.
One of the ABA's core goals is to eliminate bias and enhance diversity. The legal profession benefits from the skills, talents and perspectives of persons with a wide range of abilities, yet lawyers with disabilities are often overlooked when bias, diversity and inclusion are discussed. The profession must reflect the clients we serve and that includes persons with disabilities. All lawyers, law schools, judiciaries and legal employers must do everything possible to make the profession accessible, inclusive and welcoming and to make disability diversity and inclusion a priority.
The ABA is a voluntary association of lawyers in the world. As the national voice of the legal profession, the ABA works to improve the administration of justice, promotes programs that assist lawyers and judges in their work, accredits law schools, provides continuing legal education, and works to build public understanding around the world of the importance of the rule of law. View our privacy statement online. Follow the latest ABA news at amer- icanbar.org/news and on Twitter @ABANews •