Table 5.2: Non-Residential Parking Requirements

Use Minimum Parking Space Requirement (Net floor area unless otherwise specified)
Animal Clinic 1/16.9 m2 nfa
Arena 1/3 fixed seats
Art Gallery 1/40 m2 nfa
Assembly Hall 1/6 persons capacity
Banquet Hall 1/5.8 m2 nfa
Billiard Hall 1/20 m2 nfa
Bowling Alley 4/lane
Business Office 1/30 m2 nfa
Commercial Fitness Centre 1/20 m2 nfa
Commercial Self-Storage Facilities 1/5 m2 nfa for the business office plus 1/100 m2 of the building(s) used for storage, except where the driveway access to the storage unit has a minimum width of 7.0 metres, in which case no additional parking shall be required
Community Centre 1/10 m2 nfa
Day Nursery 1.5/classroom plus 1/30 m2 nfa
Dry Cleaning Establishment 1/12 m2 nfa
Financial Institution 1/18 m2 nfa
Funeral Home Minimum 10 spaces, plus an additional 1/13 m2 nfa
Golf Course 24 spaces/9 holes
Golf Driving Range 1.5/tee
Greenhouse, Commercial 1/20 m2 nfa
Hospital 1/21 m2 nfa
Hotel 1/room
Industrial Use 1/30 m2 for the first 1,000 m2 nfa, plus 1/100 m2 nfa for the floor area between 1,000.1 m2 and 5,000 m2 nfa, plus 1/200 m2 nfa for the net floor area in excess of 5,000.1 m2 nfa
Kennel 1/16.5 m2 nfa
Library 1/26.5 m2 nfa
Medical Office 5 spaces OR 1/16.9 m2 nfa, whichever is greater
Miniature Golf Course 1.25/tee
Motel 1.1/room
Motor Vehicle Body Shop Motor Vehicle Repair Garage Motor Vehicle Service Station 1/20m2 nfa for the business office, plus any spaces required for accessory uses