Council Item June 15th - #11.7 Waterfront Celestial Beacon Home to Streetcar 351

To the Mayor and Members of City Council

The Sandwich BIA wishes to express concerns with regards to the above referenced item.

Misuse of Public Space: The Sandwich Business Association promotes the development and support of business opportunities but the placement of a banquet facility on our waterfront is a complete misuse of land that was set out to be a welcoming, safe, environment for the public to enjoy. The “Bistro” at the foot of Ouellette Avenue may have its place in a business district but the establishment of a private entity in a public park setting will destroy the original intent for the area.

The park is very well-used by our citizenry with unobstructed views of the river. The building being proposed will require an obstruction of the site lines from Riverside Dr.

This site line was guaranteed to the public. Parking facilities will diminish public space and bring more pollution and traffic concerns.

Placement of Streetcar 351: This streetcar deserves a placement that has an historical link to its importance in the development of our City and Region. The riverfront is not that place. It would be better appreciated near the Art Gallery and the Chimczuk Museum or on University Avenue. Both of these areas have a visual connection to our History.

Process: There is an air of distrust being voiced on the lack of meaningful engagement.

This Celestial Beacon and Streetcar placement are prime examples of the flawed process. The announcement of this project came only days before going to Council, during a Pandemic, and has made no provisions for meaningful public input. The neighbourhood residents who will be most impacted have not received any communication with regards to the process. Going forward, the public must be engaged very early in any process and their input seriously heard and considered.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Dr. Gregg Hanaka, Chair

Sandwich Business Association