residents of the city, in spite of the diligence and integrity many of you consistently display. I implore you to make meaningful public consultation early in the planning process a higher priority in the future.



Aaron Mavrinac


The Mayor keeps referring to the extensive public consultation. Here it is: Appendix A from the June 4, 2018 City Council Meeting. The Celestial Beacon site was recommended by City Administration and passed unanimously in the Consent Items.


Significantly, on page 6 (shown here) you will see that the ONLY data collected exclusively involved a riverfront location.

ONLY 314 people responded to the location section of the survey. Of these ONLY 3 (.094% of respondents) chose the Celestial Beacon.

More people chose “other” than the locations tracked on the survey. Of these 21 wrote in opposition messages of “full stop” or “sell”.

Most importantly, 33 gave write-in responses involving the ‘downtown’ museum. That is 11 times the number of people who chose the Celestial Beacon in this glimpse of public opinion.


- The City of Windsor Administration’s current system of ‘public consultation’ is a sham.

-The City Administration must improve its intentional outreach to citizens. If only roughly 300 people responded then more outreach work is needed.

The City Administration and Mayor are now publicly misrepresenting the results of this public consultation in justifying the imposition of the Streetcar Shed on the Celestial Beacon project. If allowed to continue then this injustice will be literally immortalized in concrete.

Mike Cardinal