Dear Councillor Costante, Mr Mayor and Members of City Council,

I’m writing to express my concern with regard to the development of the Celestial Beacon project proposed for the Askin at Riverside Drive area, at the Windsor Sculpture Garden Park, Item 11.7 on the Consent Agenda Monday June 15th, 2020, Meeting of City Council, City of Windsor.

Given the current economic concerns, a lack of a business viability report of the proposed project, the poor fit of the project for the immediate neighbourhoods, and the impact on west resident prioritized green space-Park needs, I would like to ask Councillors to vote no on the proposed Celestial Beacon and Trolley Car development.

Alternatively, a delay of proceeding with the project, until a better ‘community fit’ project can be considered, and/or a business viability plan can be undertaken would be appreciated.

The hope is to provide an opportunity for further resident consultation, and/or alternative project(s) that would better serve the community. At the very least, we would like to see the project delayed for further consultation in light of post Covid economic and community concerns.

Having been a community outreach worker in the west end for several years, my central concern is one of a disconnect between how community engagement is conducted, and the subsequent interpretation of those results within our municipality.

This is a bigger issue than this item itself. I would suggest we are falling behind in this regard comparatively with community engagement best practices of other municipalities. This is of significant concern to many residents.

Item 11.7, Three-fold Primary Concerns: