I believe that much will disappear for the pure business aspect of this Beacon and a place to site the renovated street-car which really does not belong. Is not a street-car better suited to a transportation museum?

The meaning of what the Donor wished for in giving so generously to establish the sculpture garden will be lost. The beauty of enjoying sculpture in a natural setting will be lost. Windsor's revered waterfront destination will be altered.

I am including the names of those who assisted in the initial planning and installation of the sculptures. With their support, our beloved waterfront landscape was reborn as a personal and intimate space for all to visit.


Carolyne Rourke

Steering Committee

Site Selection Committee

Carolyne Rourke, Co-Chair

Carolyne Rourke, Co-Chair

Lloyd Burridge, Co-Chair

Lloyd Burridge, Co-Chair

Councillor Donna Gamble

Elio DelCol

Janet Graybiel

Janet Graybiel

Peter Hendrick

Mina Grossman-Ianni

Nancy Nicholson

Peter Hendrick

Tom Porter

John Hreno

Councillor Sheila Wisdom

Veronika Mogyorody

Mary-Anne Stevens

Lloyd Burridge, Parks Commissioner

Don Sadler, Director of the park

Submitted: Monday, June 8, 2020

Carolyne Rourke

Carolyne Rourke

Consolidated Agenda - Council Meeting June 15, 2020