Yes, we do have assets in need of attention. Repairs or a replacement to the Peace Fountain are needed.

What about the unexpected costs at the city marina? The west end citizens continue to fight for Adie

Knox. It is a beautiful building. Did you know there is a wall paying tribute to great writers?

No municipality should ever expect to spend seven million dollars of taxpayer money during a pandemic, while staring straight at a financial crisis. I know, I believe, the mayor will argue we need to do it now because of the proposed grant and inflation. I’ve explained why Windsorites cannot depend on the grant and encouraged you to call Canada Heritage yourself. As for inflation, it is not a factor at this time. We need to be more concerned with additional costs added to the project because of high water or flooding or mudslides.

If any of my arguments are incorrect, please let me know. I never want to be one of those people the Mayor accuses of speaking untruths. I can cite my sources.

I wish you all a fabulous weekend. I will be working on an email and phone call campaign so hope I won’t disturb you. This spending must be stopped.

Thank-you for your time & consideration.


Dee Sweet,

Frustrated Windsor Taxpayer.