this program and the work on those projects has commenced. The first intake was open Canada wide and focused on communities impacted by flooding events.

In the summer of 2019, a second DMAF program was opened called “special intake”.

The program was limited to municipalities in Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick in response to flooding resulting from rising water causing overland flooding. City Council approved submission of an $80M project seeking grant funding in the amount of approximately $27M.

Administration was contacted on May 29th, 2020 advising the City has not been selected for the DMAF special intake funding. They also advised that Infrastructure Canada (INFC) has introduced another DMAF program, which is being generally referred to as DMAF Targeting Success. This is an invitation only program and limited to those municipalities with projects on hold as a result of not being funded from one of the first two DMAF intakes. During the discussion with Administration on May 29th, representatives from INFC confirmed that the City of Windsor’s project submission to DMAF Special Intake qualifies for this program, should the City choose to resubmit the project. This report is to reaffirm City Council’s decision to submit the same project from the DMAF special intake project to the DMAF Targeting Success intake, as well as reaffirm the funding sources.

As well on June 1, 2020 the following Council Question was posed:

CQ 13-2020

A report from Admin outlining the phasing of each component of DMAF 1 & 2 along with funding sources to be presented at the next meeting of Council.

This report provides the requested response.



The City of Windsor’s submission to the first DMAF program was for a total project cost estimated at $89M, Council Report 119/2018, CR 380/2018. Project cost estimates were developed in 2018 and based on 2018 pricing. As this is a multi year project, expenditures anticipated in future years were then indexed to ensure increases due to inflation were included as part of the costing exercise to minimize the risk of total project costs being higher than anticipated $89M. Funding for the project is as follows:

- Requested, and awarded, grant funding is $32.1M;

- Enwin recoveries estimated at $2.4M;

- Project funding of $22.57M previously approved or approved in principle for projects which are included in the DMAF submission, which are from the following funding sources: