risk signage and trail markings are proposed along the Central Riverfront Trail only with increased auxiliary police presence during peak season to help inform users of the new shared use and mitigate safety concerns.

In addition, there is a high risk that the Parks Operations operating budget will run a variance to accommodate costs for signs, pavement markings and increased auxiliary police presence as outlined in the financial matters section of this report. All variances will be reported in the quarterly operating budget variance reports. Given this item is not budgeted for in the current Parks Operations operating budget, Parks will continue to monitor all cost for this initiative in order to mitigate any final budget variances. It should also be noted that there will also be significant COVID 19 related budget pressures in Parks & Facility Operations and in other City departments that are currently being quantified for a report to City Council in July.

Financial Matters:

There is currently no identified funding within the Parks operating or capital budget for this initiative. It is recommended that all cost associated with this project will be paid for from Parks Operations operational budget as indicated in the table below to implement signage and trail markings along the Central Riverfront Trail only. All costs associated with the pilot project of e-scooters in parks will be reported back at the end of the pilot period. It should be noted that at the current time, the full ongoing operational costs associated with the pilot project are unknown. There are many potential operational costs associated with e-scooters in parks as mentioned in the discussion section of this report. Parks will monitor all cost and report any variance as part of the regular variance reports to Council. Any ongoing budget requests will be referred to future budget deliberations, including 2021 for interim funding requirements, and 2022 once the full costs are known, should Council approve continuation of the program.

Operational Cost for Implementing Signage and Trail Markings (see Appendix A for sign and pavement marking locations)

Description Costs
One-time costs: Signage double and single sided signs, metal stanchions, trail paint markings, vacuum truck, materials, labour, installation, and locates $40,000
Ongoing operational costs, including additional Auxiliary Police presence $26,280
Total Cost Estimate Including Non Recoverable HST $66,280