m e m b e r s o f t h e BOARD OF DIRECTORS

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Drew Dilkens (Chair) LL.B, MBA, DBA, CHRL Mayor, City of Windsor

Kevin Laforet, B.Comm, CPA, CA Regional President (Canada), Caesars Entertainment

Jo-Anne Gignac (Vice Chair) Councillor, City of Windsor Ward 6

Jim Morrison, PFP Councillor, City of Windsor, Ward 10

Fred Francis, BA, MA, B.Ed Councillor, City of Windsor, Ward 1

Jerry Udell, BA, LL.B, C.S. Senior Counsel, Miller Canfield

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Drew Dilkens (Chair) LL.B, MBA, DBA, CHRL Mayor, City of Windsor

Jo-Anne Gignac Councillor, City of Windsor, Ward 6

George Wilkki, P.Eng., LL.B Retired City Solicitor, City of Windsor

Abe Taqtaq (Vice Chair), BA President, CD Ventures & Consulting Inc.

Leo Muzzatti, LL.B, B.Ed Director of Human Resources and Strategy Management, Assisted Living Southwestern Ontario (Windsor)

Garnet Fenn, MBA, DBA (Candidate), FCPA, FCA, FCMA, FCGA (ON), CPA, CGMA, PFP (MI), CIM, FCIS, ICD.D, P.Adm., Acc.Dir. Accountant and Financial Consultant

Andrea Orr, LL.M, CGA, CPA, CIRP, LIT Licensed Insolvency Trustee

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Eddie Francis (Chair), JD, HBSc President and CEO, WFCU Credit Union

Gregory Ioanidis, BMath, MBA Former Vice President, ITC Holdings Corp.

Drew Dilkens (Vice-Chair) LL.B, MBA, DBA, CHRL Mayor, City of Windsor

Kieran McKenzie, BA Councillor, City of Windsor, Ward 9

Rhea de Verteuil, BSc Director of People & Processes, Sandalwood Engineering & Ergonomics