i n n o v a t i o n + d e d i c a t i o n = SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS



Helga Reidel FCPA, FCA, ICD.D

2019 was a year of planning and new beginnings for the ENWIN Group of Companies.

With the 2018 municipal elections behind us, and our new Boards of Directors in place, we entered a period of strategic planning, during which we set priorities, goals and objectives for the 2020 to 2023 operational period. We also submitted our Cost of Service application to the Ontario Energy Board, successfully establishing our delivery rates for 2020.

The Cost of Service application process is complex and intricate, requiring a thorough examination of our accounts and activities, a forecast of our business requirements for a five-year period and the submission and defense of a new rate structure for our services. We congratulate the many ENWIN employees who devoted their time and expertise to preparing the strong business and distribution system plans, that supported our application.

Throughout 2019, as we developed our plan for the future, we continued to focus on employee engagement and innovation. Through a series of ongoing engagement initiatives, we developed and embraced employee concepts related to innovation, diversity and leadership.

Our 2019 Board Strategic Planning Sessions resulted the identification of our most significant priorities, which will reinforce our corporate values and act as the platform upon which we can build our corporate future. With employee ideas and innovations in mind, we will work within the strategy set by our boards of directors, to improve workflow, achieve cost savings and find new ways to better serve our customers.

These initiatives will help us play a strong role in building our community's future.

Throughout 2019 – even as we planned for our future – we continued to invest in our current regulated assets, sustain our system reliability and focus on the growth of our unregulated businesses. As we have done in the past – and will continue to do in the future – we maintained a focus on customers' needs and priorities.

I look forward to sharing with customers the successes enabled by the ENWIN equation: Innovation plus dedication equals sustainable success.

Sincerely, Helga Reidel President & CEO Windsor Canada Utilities Ltd.