generator excitation upgrade

ENWIN upgraded the excitation and voltage regulation systems of four, 1 MW natural gas generators at the A.H. Weeks plant. This resulted in improved reliability and load sharing of the generators.

Reservoir “D” Rehab

ENWIN drained WUC’s main water storage tank, Reservoir “D”, for cleaning and inspection. This included inspection of the 60-inch valve that held back the water from the piping outside. Rehabilitation work is being engineered for construction in 2020.

The refurbishment of Reservoir “D” will provide important additional disinfection, storage and redundancy for the drinking water system. The redundancy allows for reservoir maintenance to occur without affecting treatment quality and supply.

Filter Bed Replacement

ENWIN continues to replace old filter bed underdrains and filter media. The old plastic system was removed and the walls of the bed were coated to protect the concrete. New stainless steel underdrains were installed and new anthracite media was placed into the bed. This new system will increase performance of the filter beds.
