spending of approximately $21,000. There is an increase in spending on advertisement of $9,500 and two promotional events being planned; Canada Day and Christmas for which funds of $10,000 respectively are being allocated.

As at the end of 2018, the BIA had an accumulated surplus (reserve balance) of $110,937.

Risk Analysis:

While the WTCBIA has met its legislative requirement for the submission of an annual budget, Administration does not have confirmation that this budget was presented to the members for discussion. Both conditions must be met before City Council can be asked to approve the budget and related levy. At this time we are awaiting confirmation from WTCBIA relating to this matter should additional information come forth it will be presented at the June 15th meeting.

Financial Matters:

The 2020 WTCBIA budget and levy request is $94,000. The corresponding rate that would provide this BIA with the necessary funding 0.00376947.

There were no requests from any of the other eight BIA’s requesting a change to their submissions which were included in Report C86/2020


Wyandotte Towne Centre BIA


The additional information with regards to the Wyandotte Towne Centre has now been received and presented to City Council for information.

Planning Act Matters:


Name Title
Joe Mancina CFO &City Treasurer
Onorio Colucci CAO


Name Address Email
Wyandotte Centre BIA Towne 1380 Wyandotte, St. E., Windsor, Ontario wyandottetowncentrebia@gmail.com