Table C-1: Absolute Charging Volumes

Agency 2019 %Chg. YTD '19 vs. '18   2018 % Chg.YTD '18vs. '17   2017 % of Total Volume % Chg.YTD '17vs. '16
Windsor Police 15,453 32.9%   11,631 10.6%   10,516 38.4% -7.9%
Windsor Police-Amherstburg 1,904 64.6%   1,157 -58.2%   2,765 10.1% -17.6%
Ministry of Transportation 1,874 -8.0%   2,038 -7.4%   2,202 8.0% -3.8%
Essex OPP 2,596 -23.7%   3,402 -15.1%   4,008 14.6% 43.7%
Tecumseh OPP 1,026 9.9%   934 -11.6%   1,057 3.9% -33.4%
Leamington OPP 1,251 6.6%   1,174 -0.2%   1,176 4.3% -16.5%
Lakeshore OPP 1,324 57.6%   840 -7.5%   908 3.3% -24.6%
Essex Town OPP 696 -29.7%   990 64.2%   603 2.2% -23.9%
Kingsville OPP 1,186 2.7%   1,155 1.4%   1,139 4.2% -12.1%
LaSalle Police 1,208 16.4%   1,038 -39.7%   1,721 6.3% 85.9%
Essex Detachment Heat Unit 186 -1.1%   188 -44.7%   340 1.2% -25.8%
Canadian Pacific Rail Police 107 -42.8%   187 -8.8%   205 0.7% -16.0%
Ministry of Natural Resources 151 2.7%   147 -15.5%   174 0.6% 6.1%
Windsor Fire Department 63 -22.2%   81 35.0%   60 0.2% -63.6%
Casino OPP 26 -49.0%   51 -42.7%   89 0.3% -13.6%
Windsor Essex County Health Unit 69 155.6%   27 -22.9%   35 0.1% -22.2%
Windsor Bylaw 184 37.3%   134 -10.1%   149 0.5% -10.2%
Ministry of Finance 2 -50.0%   4 #DIV/0!   0 0.0% -100.0%
Ministry of Labour 155 109.5%   74 0.0%   74 0.3% -49.3%
Ministry of Environment 54 100.0%   27 -30.8%   39 0.1% -56.2%
Humane Society – Windsor 13 -18.8%   16 6.7%   15 0.1% -40.0%
Amherstburg Bylaw 18 260.0%   5 -61.5%   13 0.0% -7.1%
Lakeshore Bylaw 8 100.0%   4 -33.3%   6 0.0% 50.0%
Electrical Safety Authority 1 #DIV/0!   0 N/A   2 0.0% 50.0%
Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council 15 -84.0%   94 422.2%   18 0.1% 50.0%
Essex Bylaw 2 -33.3%   3 200.0%   1 0.0% 50.0%
Leamington Bylaw 5 -64.3%   14 #DIV/0!   0 0.0% 50.0%
Essex Region Conservation Authority 2 100.0%   1 #DIV/0!   0 0.0% 50.0%
LWaoSrkapllelaFceireSafety & Insurance Board 04 -9N3./8A%   604 #DNIV/A/0!   0 0.0% 50.0%
Ministry of Agriculture & Food 2 -33.3%   3 #DIV/0!   0 0.0% 50.0%
Ministry of Government & Consumer Services 54 #DIV/0!              
Ministry of Environment, Conservation & Parks-Windsor 26 550.0%   4 #DIV/0!        
TOTALS 29,682 16.3%   25,517 -6.8%   27,387 100.0% -5.1%
Average Mthly Charging Volumes 2,474     2,126    


Windsor experienced a substantial increase in charges filed in 2019 compared to 2018. Windsor ended the year with 29,336 charges which is a 16.3% increase in charges compared to 2018. The provincial total was -3.3% less than 2018 so Windsor experienced a positive trend in charges filed compared to the provincial total. TABLE C-2 below provides details on the charging volumes of various municipalities as well as Windsor and the total provincial charges filed.