Presenter Notes:
At the Development and Heritage Standing Committee Meeting on March 9, 2020, using current best practices an amendment through the Property Standards Bylaw would be the best course of action. The Recommendations found in this report were defined by the members of the DHSC:
Amend the Property Standards By-law 9-2019 to have property owners remove any lighting that does not comply with the full cut-off clause found in LISS CR228/2005— Appendix D BE APPROVED; and,
That a moratorium on the installation of any new non-compliant lights in the City BE APPROVED; and,
That recognizing that there are situations where wording found in a Nuisance Lighting Bylaw may conflict with everyday safety controls by a municipality and that some events use temporary lighting that create a public attraction, That prohibitions WOULD NOT APPLY to exemptions listed in this report.