Table 2: Targeted Uses that are Eligible for Financial Incentives in the City of Windsor

Sector Eligible Uses
Professional Services
  •  Business Incubator
  •  Computer Programming Services
  •  Computer Systems Design Services
  •  Industrial Design Services
  •  Research and Development
  •  Testing Laboratories
Renewable and Alternative Energy
  •  Manufacturing
  •  Research and Development
  •  Cogeneration Facilities
  •  Renewable Energy Power Generation
Creative Industries
  •  Performing Arts Facilities
  •  Museums
  •  Computer Software Developer Digital and Media Studios
Health & Life Sciences
  •  Manufacturing
  •  Research & Development
Management of Companies andEnterprises
  •  Corporate Office
  •  Head Office
  •  All Manufacturing Types
  •  Tourist Attraction
  •  Warehouse

Detailed Report Regarding Economic Incentives for Businesses: Community/Community- Improvement/Documents/Economic%20Revitalization%20Community%20Improvement%20P lan%20-%20September%202014.pdf

Source: incentives/Pages/Economic-Revitalization-Community-Improvement-Plan.aspx