The improvements being proposed for all of this above noted properties are eligible for the Neighbourhood Residential Rehabilitation and Development and Building Fees Grants. The properties at 3203 Peter Street and 700 Brock Street may also be eligible for the Revitalization Grant. Eligibility will not be confirmed until such time as the redevelopment is complete and the property assessment is updated by MPAC.

A general requirement of Section 10.3 q) of the Sandwich CIP requires that approval of an application for financial incentives are based on the compatibility of the proposal with the vision and goals of the CIP and Community Planning Study (CPS), Supplemental Development and Urban Design Guidelines, and any other guidelines applicable to the area.

Neighbourhood Residential Rehabilitation Grant Program

The purpose of this grant is to promote the maintenance and physical improvement of residential properties. A maximum of one application is permitted per property, which promotes a more comprehensive improvement. The program provides a grant equal to 50% of the cost of eligible exterior building maintenance and property improvement for residential properties. The Minimum grant amount is $2,000 and the maximum grant amount is $15,000 per property. This grant promotes the maintenance and physical improvement of property and because there is a maximum of one application per property, this promotes a more comprehensive improvement.

Development and Building fees Grant Program

The purpose of the program is to provide an additional incentive to augment the other incentive programs and to facilitate and spur the adaptive re-use, redevelopment and new construction. The program provides a grant equal to 100% of the fees paid for the eligible types of development applications and building permits. The Development and Building Fees identified in the table are approximate because the Building Permit amount is difficult to estimate until construction drawings are finalized. The following properties are eligible for the Development and Building Fees grant:

3203 Peter Street (Mason-Girardot Manor)

Site Plan Control +/-$5,940
Building Permit unknown at this time
Zoning By-law Amendment +/-$4,408
ROW Encroachment Agreement +/-$662
  TOTAL +/- $11,010

Minor Variance  +/-$2,700

Building Permit  +/-$1,503

ROW Encroachment Agreement  +/-$700

TOTAL +/- $4,903