is recommended. Re-inspection would be needed if the ceiling has not been consolidated in the interim.

Assumption Parish is now ready to undertake some of the repairs. The proposed work for the plaster restoration includes installation of scaffolding and attic catwalk structures for access, the cleaning and removal of debris and existing insulation on the attic necessitated for the plaster consolidation. Further plaster key testing of the ceiling will take place prior to consolidation. Consolidation would be done through spraying of a water soluble acrylic resin at low pressure to the plaster, which would seep into and adhere the plaster securely to the wood lath substrate through the formation of new keys. There will also be other traditional plaster repairs conducted at localized areas as needed.

In their report, HPCS states that several other buildings have experienced this treatment since the mid 1980s which involves specializes materials, and highly specialized methodology. Allan Avis Architects have indicated that the exclusive consolidation products produced by HPCS are only sold to certified applicators who will be required to prove certification at bidding. To provide greater assurance that the work will be done well, it is also the architect’s intention to prequalify the General contractor and specialized trades contractors, including plaster consolidation applicators, and plasterers at the tendering process for the Phase II work.

Alteration of Painting Scheme

The extensive scaffolding installed to provide access for the plaster repairs presented an opportunity for repairs to be conducted to the painting on the ceiling and interior walls. The current paint has been suggested to be 60 or more years old and requires more updates than simple cleaning. The Church is conscious that the cost of spot repainting at areas of repaired plaster may be more expensive than repainting entire surfaces, due to the difficulty in colour matching of existing paints. Thus, two options of painting scheme were provided to staff for information (although the Church has indicated that there has not been a decision made on the options at the writing of this report) and may be issued for tenders/calls to bid to help inform the Church on the cost differential of the various options, and to assist in decision making of the final colour scheme (with OHT) prior to work anticipated to commence in Spring 2020, The first Option is to retain the existing paint scheme, while the Second Option is for a more “calming” colour application. The modifications proposed are:

- Remove the alternate colour banding at columns and ribs at groin vaults to be unified to one cream colour

- The rose coloured panels in the center aisle will be replaced with blue or cream from the existing colour palette

- Coloured rings at column capitals to be a colour consistent with surrounding features