exemptions are not specified, but usually applicants can be exempted if the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) that all municipal requirements and conditions have been addressed (for example by an approved application for rezoning and/or site plan control); and

(ii) that the building(s) is suitable for a condominium by virtue of design and amenities.

The proposed condominium complies with the above conditions.

Official Plan:

The subject property is designated “Core Residential Area A” in the East Riverside Planning Area Secondary Plan. The designation is intended to accommodate higher density dwelling types that will contribute to the mix of housing forms, tenures and price levels in the area.

The City of Windsor has policies in the Official Plan for approval of a plan of condominium with exemption under Section 9 of the Condominium Act. Applications for exemptions may be considered by Council if:

(a) a residential building is constructed or a building permit for its construction has been issued;

(b) the development has received site plan control approval; and

(c) the development does not contain any occupied residential rental units.

The proposed condominium complies with the above conditions.

(a) a residential building is constructed or a building permit for its construction has been issued;

(b) the development has received site plan control approval; and

(c) the development does not contain any occupied residential rental units.

Zoning By-Law

The property is currently zoned Residential District RD3.3 with a site specific provisions S.20(1)96. The Multiple dwelling structures proposed on the property complies with the applicable zoning. Building permits have been issued and construction has begun for the development.

Parkland Conveyance/Payment-in-lieu:

Payment –in-lieu of parkland dedication has been addressed through the Registered Site Plan Control Agreement.

Risk Analysis: