The subject site is located on the northwest corner of Ontario St. and Arthur Rd. The surrounding area presents mainly residential uses.

Surrounding land uses:

North side of the subject lands – Residential – single unit dwelling – zoning RD1.2

East side of the subject lands – Residential – fourplexes and duplex – zoning RD3.1

West side of the subject lands – Residential – single unit dwelling – zoning RD1.2

South side of the subject lands – Residential – vacant land – zoning ID1.1/S20.1(198) allowing for single unit dwellings and multiple dwelling within the existing building.

Site photos (Google Street View, September 2017) are attached to this report as Appendix A: Site Photos to identify the surrounding land uses and the character of the subject neighbourhood.

Municipal Infrastructure:

A 250mm vitrified clay sanitary sewer and a 300mm concrete pipe storm sewer is available on Arthur Road.

Water fire hydrants are available on Arthur Road, both north and south of Arthur and Ontario intersection.

The City of Windsor Official Plan classifies Ontario Street as a local road requiring a right-of-way width of 20.0 meters. The current right-of-way is 20.0 meters; therefore, no conveyance is required. Arthur Road is classified as a local road requiring a right-of-way width of 20.0 meters. The current right-of-way is 15.2 meters; therefore, a 2.4m conveyance is required, but is not being requested at this time. The applicant is required to drain and pave the alley abutting the subject lands as they require it for access.

Cycling facilities are not currently available in the vicinity of the subject site.

Transit Windsor Bus:

Transit service on Pillette Rd (Ottawa 4 route) with bus stops on Pillette Road at Ontario Street approximately 80 metres from the subject property.


The subject property is located on Ontario Street, between Arthur Road and Ellrose Avenue, also municipally known as 4558 Ontario Street. The subject site is currently occupied by a single unit dwelling built in 1910. The applicant indicated that the existing house is in poor condition and will be demolished.

This property is designated ‘Residential’ by the City of Windsor Official Plan and zoned ‘Residential District 1.2’ (RD1.2) by the Zoning By-law 8600. The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Zoning By-law 8600 to change the zoning of the subject property from ‘Residential District 1.2’ (RD 1.2) to ‘Residential District 2.2’ (RD 2.2) to allow the