Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: CR239/2016

That resolution CR92/2016 BE AMENDED to remove reference to the installation of

4 light standards in order to correctly reflect the transaction as reported to Council.



Decision Number: CR240/2016

That By-Law 38-2016 applying to the westerly 10 foot wide portion of the north/south alley between Randolph Avenue and Askin Avenue, south of Fanchette Street


Agenda Item: C1

Report Number: 18186

Clerk’s File: SR/11917

Agenda Item: C2 Report Number: 18183 Clerk’s File: SAA2016

Agenda Item: C2 Report Number: 18183 Clerk’s File: SAA2016

Moved by: Councillor Gignac

Seconded by: Councillor Bortolin


Agenda Item: C1

Decision Number: CR241/2016

That the City Council of the City of Windsor acting as an approving authority pursuant to the Expropriations Act hereby resolves to expropriate the lands described in Schedule “A” hereto and authorizes the CAO and the City Clerk to EXECUTE the necessary Expropriation Plan and register the same on title, as well as the Certificate of Approval and all other necessary documents to put the expropriation into effect.

Agenda Item: 3

Report Number: 18181 Clerk’s File: SW/8513


Schedule A

Decision Number: CR242/2016

Decision Number: CR242/2016

THAT Council DIRECT that the Executive Director of Parks provide relocation site(s) for

Species at Risk and Provincially Rare Species found on the Gordie Howe International Bridge