benefit of the community. The transfer was also granted to allow for WUC to construct a new reservoir and ancillary building on the property.

Included in the terms of the Council approved deal was that WUC would pay the City of Windsor $512,000 plus HST. The City will retain an easement on part of the land so that it could be redeveloped into a community park, In addition, WUC would, as part of the restoration of the site, be responsible for the following elements, at its own expense and in consultation with the Parks Department in accordance with the park redevelopment plan:

- Site restoration with dry meadow seed mix (on reservoir lid)

- Tree planting with Carolinian zone, site suitable species (densely planted off reservoir lid)

- Installation of AODA-compliant 10’ perimeter trail

- 6 benches and bench pads

In addition, WUC was also to pay to the City on closing the sum of $56,000 to fund the contingency allowance for the construction of the playground and associated elements as outlined in the parkland redevelopment budget. The transaction was completed and the funds totalling $568,000 were deposited into the Parkland Acquisition Reserve Fund 151.

On September 5, 2017, Administration presented a report to Council titled State of City Playgrounds Update – Citywide. As per CR 539/2017, Council approved that report which allocated $6,804,172 in additional funding to allow all 28 playground units to be replaced as outlined in the report. George Avenue Park was one of the identified playgrounds and since that time, Administration has purchased all 28 units including the $340,100 George Avenue Park structure that is waiting to be installed.



Recently, WUC has been able to complete the installation of the reservoir at George Avenue Park. The Parks Department is now at a point where work can commence in the spring to redevelop the north section of the park. Appendix A is the design that is being implemented. In addition to the already purchased playground unit, there will be a sport court, shelter, benches, lighting, trees and a pathway from the sidewalk to the various amenities.

When the budget for these items was originally created during the land transfer negotiations, it was estimated that the additional amenities would cost approximately $568,000 – the exact amount transferred to the City of Windsor from WUC. In the time it has taken to finish the reservoir area, the cost of these amenities has increased slightly. This is mainly due to inflation as well as there being a greater demand in the market place for these items at the moment. When the $568,000 was transferred to the City of Windsor it was placed in the Parkland Acquisition Reserve Fund 151 and was to be used to pay for the overall redevelopment. Administration is now seeking approval from Council to release the $568,000 in funding from the reserve and to also approve the allocation of budgeted funds from various capital projects as identified in the financial matter section so that the redevelopment can now begin.