
Council Report: S 31/2020

Subject: George Avenue Park Development


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council APPROVE funding in the amount of $679,786 from the following accounts for the purpose of the George Avenue Park redevelopment as detailed in the financial matters section of the report:

Reserve Fund 151- Parkland Acquisition- $568,000

PFO-012-12: Park Trails Capital Improvements- $49,786 (2020)

PFO-010-20: Park Bench Replacement Program- $10,000 (2020)

PFO-003-19: Park Lighting Installation and Replacement- $52,000 (2020);

And further,

THAT subject to procurements falling within the approved budgets, that the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign any relative agreements and/or contracts with the successful bidders, satisfactory in legal form to the City Solicitor in technical content with the Corporate Leader of Parks, Recreation & Culture and Facilities and in financial content to the City Treasurer.

Executive Summary:



On February 22, 2016 as per CR 92/2016, City Council agreed to transfer George Avenue Park to the Windsor Utilities Commission (WUC). This transfer was granted under certain conditions that would allow the park to be revitalized, including the installation of new playground equipment and the refurbishment of the park for the