

The monument is in need of significant repair. There are structural issues that need to be addressed, as there are stones that have cracked and crumbled over time. In addition, the water fountain ceased to operate and was converted into a flower planter more than 20 years ago. The monument has been fenced off to ensure public safety and prevent people from climbing onto the crumbling blocks.

Administration is recommending that a Heritage Architect be retained to oversee the project and ensure the repairs required to return this to a working fountain honouring the Windsorites who participated in the Boer War is completed appropriately.

Risk Analysis:

The following items are being identified as potential risks:

Resource Risk- The monument is an important reminder of the role that Windsorites have played on the international stage. This is an important testament to the community and requires restoration to return the monument to its proper standards. Should the work not be completed, there is a risk to the Corporation’s image.

Long Term Maintenance, Vandalism Risks- The long-term maintenance and lifecycle repairs are important to complete to maintain the integrity of the monument. Once the restoration has occurred staff will be in a position of being able to provide annual regular maintenance. Vandalism does occur within Jackson Park. To date, aside from people climbing on the monument for photo opportunities, very little vandalism has occurred to this memorial piece. Through the budget process, there is an ongoing yearly Monument maintenance budget, which provides funding to regularly clean and assess the conditions of Monuments.