approving the City’s first Climate Change Adaptation Plan on November 19, 2012 (M498-2012). On March 26, 2018 City Council approved participation in ICLEI Canada’s Adaptation Changemakers Project (CR166/2018). This project was funded through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program (MCIP) Climate Adaptation Partner Grants.

The purpose of the Adaptation Changemakers Project was to:

An interim report was presented to Council on May 6, 2019 which outlined the identified Corporate and Community climate change impacts with associated vulnerability and risk (CR228/2019). The following Council motion was approved at the meeting (Decision Number: CR228/2019 ETPS 674)

1. That City Council RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION this update on the redevelopment of the Corporate Climate Change Adaptation Plan and the development of the Community Climate Change Adaptation Plan; and,

2. That City Council APPROVE the redevelopment of the Corporate Climate Change Adaptation Plan outlining adaptation actions for climate change impacts with a medium-low risk score or greater as determined by the defined risk management tool provided; and,

3. That Administration REPORT BACK on the costs and quantify the risks of not taking action on moving forward; and, that this information BE BROUGHT FORWARD to City Council as part of the comprehensive final plan


On May 6th, 2019, City Council was presented with climate change impacts as identified by both City administration and the Community Task Force. Council approved proceeding with identifying actions for climate change impacts with a medium-low risk score or greater. This included 19 identified impacts.

The vision, objectives and actions presented in this plan are a combination of City administration and community-led measures that have been developed by the