Council Report: S 212/2019
Subject: Tabling of the Draft Climate Change Adaptation, Degrees of Change - City Wide
- Date to Council: November 20, 2019
- Author: Karina Richters, Supervisor, Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change
- 519-253-7111 ext. 3226
- krichters@citywindsor.ca
- Averil Parent
- Environmental Sustainability Coordinator
- 519 253 7111 x 3290
- aparent@citywindsor.ca
- Pollution Control
- Report Date: 11/1/2019
- Clerk’s File #: EI/10822
To: Mayor and Members of City Council
DIRECTED to bring the final Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees of Change, back to the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee in February 2020 for approval.
I. THAT the DRAFT Climate Change Adaptation, Degrees of Change (Appendix A), BE TABLED for public feedback until January 22, 2020; and
II. THAT the Supervisor, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change BE DIRECTED to conduct public engagement for the purpose of soliciting public feedback on the DRAFT Climate Change Adaptation, and that a summary of the public comments be reported back to the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee in February 2020; and,
III. THAT the Supervisor, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change BE
DIRECTED to bring the final Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees of Change, back to the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee in February 2020 for approval.
Executive Summary:
In November 2010, City Council approved participation in ICLEI Canada’s (Local Governments for Sustainability, formerly International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) Climate Change Adaptation Initiative. This initiative resulted in City Council