Risk Analysis:

The development of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan included vulnerability and risk assessments for potential climate change impacts. The plan focuses on mitigating those potential impacts that scored a medium-low or greater risk factor. However, it is expected that through implementing the proposed adaptation options several of the lower risk impacts will also be addressed.

Financial Matters:

The Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration report (S18/2020) outlines the proposed funding requirements to undertake Priority 1 Adaptation Actions.

No additional funding is requested at this time for moving forward with the proposed actions to integrate climate change thinking into municipal decisions as it is expected that current internal staffing resources will be used. Other actions currently underway either required no funding or have been funded separately.

For items identified in the Climate Change plan, any funding requirements to implement these action items will be the addressed in future council reports for budget requests.


Those included in the consultation of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan include:

All City Departments

Essex Region Conservation Authority

Windsor-Essex County Health Unit