Action 2.4 – Review the 2011 Heat Alert and Response Plan and Update as required: Increase access to water bottle re-fill stations in public washrooms changed to Increase access to water bottle re-fill stations at public buildings

Action 2.8 – Decrease public and private contributions to air quality contaminants: Enhance the City of Windsor’s Anti-Idling Bylaw and increase enforcement

Action 2.10 – Enhance community safety during icy conditions, added subaction: Review and update the Salt Management Plan

Implementation and Governance: The Community Task Force will continue to meet regularly to review progress on Degrees of Change. Meetings will likely take place at least annually, with additional meetings being held as required.

Monitoring and Review: An implementation update report to Windsor City Council and the Community Task Force will occur on a biennial basis.

Appendix B, Implementation Table added descriptions for timelines short (< 5 years), medium (5-10 years) and long-term (>10 years), as well as estimated costs $ (<$100,000), $$ ($100,000 - $500,000), $$$ ($500,000 - $1,000,000), $$$$ (>$1,000,000).

In addition a few typos have been corrected.

2020 Priorities

Priority 1 actions in this Adaptation Plan are highlighted in the Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration (S18/2020) report. These Priority 1 Actions include: the Sewer Master Plan; Urban Forestry Master Plan; and pilot green infrastructure projects (residential scale) and public education and engagement.

Other than the priority actions mentioned above, in 2020 Administration will focus on Objective 1 (Integrate climate change thinking into municipal decisions) and supporting actions that will aid in embedding climate change considerations into future projects:

Administration is already working on a number of actions identified in the plan including but not limited to:

Action 2.1: Update Community Development and Health Services (CDHS) Emergency Response Plan;