
Council Report: S 2/2020

Subject: By-Laws 25-2010 and 4921 Review


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That City Council ADOPT recommended housekeeping updates to By-Laws 25-2010 and 4921, and that three readings of the respective By-law amendments be considered at a future meeting of City Council.

Executive Summary:



Administration receives occasional inquiries from other municipalities regarding Windsor’s regulatory language, the interpretation of it and the success level of enforcement measures.

Issues raised by other municipalities and their subsequent resolutions in these discussions are frequently noted for consideration in a future internal review. With five years having passed since the most recent By-law revision, Administration proceeded to undertake a housekeeping review. The proposed amendments to By-laws 25 and 4921 resulted from this review and are presented for consideration by City Council.


The emergence of new technologies, economic drivers and rapid societal change can influence demand for and the impact of regulation. The rapid deployment of household telecommunications such as fibre optic and the evolving regulation of energy supply and response to service outages are examples of changing businesses and municipal management of corridor access.