These costs are currently being absorbed within the Parks Operations Operating Budget, although there is no funding for this initiative. Should additional community gardens be approved on municipal property, operating costs will continue to be tracked and monitored within the Parks operating budget. Should expenditures result in significant variances that cannot be absorbed in the future a budget issue request will be presented to Council.

There will continue to be $5,000 dedicated to community gardens as part of the Environmental Master Plan Operating Budget to buy and install standard City of Windsor signage at the gardens.



In conclusion, changes to the Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy were made in consultation with appropriate internal City of Windsor departments as well as community garden operators. The Policy is working well to provide support for community gardens in Windsor. Minor updates to the policy were made to increase the structure of the program and further outline responsibilities of internal staff as well as community garden operators.

Planning Act Matters:



Name Title
Jake Renaud Senior Manager, Pollution Control
Mark Winterton City Engineer Environmental and Corporate ProtectionLeader andInfrastructure Services
Jan Wilson Corporate Leader, Parks, Recreation and Culture and Facilities
Shelby Askin-Hagar City Solicitor
Mark Friel Financial Planning Admin.