budget for these services. There is a moderate risk that should the Community Gardens program continue to grow, the Parks Department will either have a variance, or the service to support the initiative would have to be curtailed or ended. This risk will be mitigated by monitoring the expenditures and identifying funding needs at future budget deliberations should they be required.

The Licencee's will provide comprehensive general liability insurance satisfactory in form and content to the City’s Manager of Risk and Insurance as required in the licence agreements.

Financial Matters:

Once approved, the development of new community gardens is the responsibility of the applicant. However, in the past number of years the Parks department has accrued ongoing operating costs for ensuring the gardens have adequate mulch, soil and water (either via water service or by filling up storage containers). They have also assisted in general clean up and removal of unwanted dirt, garbage, broken materials etc.

General operating costs for the 6 gardens in 2019 are as follows:

Water service: Water lines have been installed at three of the community gardens. In general, the cost to turn these water lines on and off each year is: $400 per line X 3 lines= $1,200.00. In addition there are operational water usage costs absorbed by the Parks department.

Water delivery: Parks horticulture has been providing water to some of the community gardens generally during the months of July and August. The Community gardens have large tote bins to hold water. The total cost to deliver water: $57.83 per hour X 2 hours per week X 4 weeks = $462.64.

Mulch delivery: Parks Operations will generally deliver one load of mulch to each garden each year. The total cost: $70.24 per load X 6 loads = $421.44

Clean up costs: An extensive clean up of the oldest community garden on City property, Ford City, was completed in 2019 by Parks Operations. The cost of the clean up was $2,282.02. This type of cost would generally occur once every 6-8 years per garden.

Table 1. Community Garden Operational Costs - 2019

Service 2019 Cost
Water service $1,200.00
Water delivery $462.64
Mulch delivery $421.44
Ford City clean up (once every 6-8 years) $2,282.02
TOTAL Cost 2019 $4,366.10