
Council Report: S 210/2019

Subject: Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy Update - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I) THAT the update to the Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy BE APPROVED; and

II) THAT the CAO BE AUTHORIZED to approve updates to Community Garden

Template License Agreements and Community Garden Template License

Renewal Agreements; AND FURTHER that the Delegation of Authority Bylaw

(208-2008) BE AMENDED to reflect that such authority has been granted.

Executive Summary:



The Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy was approved by Council on August 24th, 2014 (M337-2014). At that time there were three community gardens operating on City of Windsor property. The Policy was created to streamline an application process for community groups as well as outline internal department roles and responsibilities for supporting community gardens on public property.

Since the approval of the Policy, four more community gardens have operated on municipal property. These gardens provide healthy, fresh food for the community, enhance habitat for bees, birds and other animals, create a thriving neighbourhood gathering space and increase the absorption of stormwater.