Item No. 8.11


Committee Matters: SCM 70/2020

Subject: Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy Update - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: ETPS 741

I) THAT the update to the Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy BE

I) THAT the update to the Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy BE APPROVED; and,

II) THAT the CAO BE AUTHORIZED Template License Agreements Renewal Agreements; and further, to approve updates to Community Garden and Community Garden Template License

III) THAT the Delegation of Authority Bylaw (208-2008) BE AMENDED to reflect that such authority has been granted.

II) THAT the CAO BE AUTHORIZED Template License Agreements Renewal Agreements; and further, to approve updates to Community Garden and Community Garden Template License

III) THAT the Delegation of Authority Bylaw (208-2008) BE AMENDED to reflect that such authority has been granted.


Report Number: S 210/2019

Clerk’s File: SR2020

Clerk’s Note: the recommendation of the Standing Committee and Administration are the same.