2013 - Captain John Wilson park.2015 - Mic Mac, Optimist, Wigle and Ford Test Track.2016 – Jackson Park (west side) 2016 – Rotary Centennial Plaza2019 – Bruce Ave Park, South Windsor Recreation Complex
Shaded Seating – Kishkon Community Park, Realtor Neighbourhood Park, Rotary Centennial Park
During the summer months, it is often observed that a significant amount of park users are taking advantage of this built shade.
All regional parks shall provide the same base amenities including shade structures.Shade structures however are not limited to regional parks and should be considered during Parks redevelopment when possible.
19. Increase in Heat Education at Community Centres and Pools 2011-2014 $22,000
(Completed through grant funding received from Health Canada)
Completed The Stay Cool Windsor Campaign developed in partnership with the Windsor Essex County Health Unit and Health Canada launched in 2011. The campaign continues to focus on heat health education messages and each year expands it reach. Public education brochures are distributed to the City community centres and Ontario Early Years Centres. In 2013, signage was alsodeveloped to be used at all local outdoor pools. Continue to work with the Essex County Health Unit to build on current successes of the education campaign and expand the campaign to address vulnerable populations not already reached.
20. Complete an Urban Heat Island Study 2012 - $12,000
(Completed through grant funding received from Health Canada)
Completed In 2012, ‘The Urban Heat Island Effect in Windsor, ON: An Assessment of Vulnerability and Mitigation Strategies’ was completed with several recommendations. This report looked at the Urban Heat Island over the full City. A second report finalized in 2013looked at the urban heat islands or micro- Recommendations from the downtown urban heat island study shall be incorporated into other planning policies including the Official Plan and the Environmental Assessmentsunderway for University Avenue.