17. Increase Tree Planting Progressing

In 2014, a report titled ‘Designing City of Windsor Parks to improve Thermal Comfort in Summer’ was completed. A portion of this study reviewed the current canopy (shade) coverage in City parks.

In previous years, steps have been taken to increase the survival rate of City trees. For example, the introduction of tree root systems to give trees in commercial areas a better chance of surviving the stresses related to road salts, significant amounts of impermeable surfaces, and heat as a result of adjacent concrete and asphalt surfaces. In addition, Forestry has introduced the use of water gators for all newly planted trees to help with survival.

During the public consultation process for the Parks Master Plan, groups identified the need for shade. Health factors related to climate change and the adverse effects of excessive UV exposure are the driving forces behind this growing concern.

The Parks Master Plan approved in 2016 listed recommendations (3.05 and 4.08) that support the increase of tree plantings.

In 2020, the City Forestry division will be finalizing a tree inventory and canopy cover assessment.Following its completion, an Urban Forestry Management Plan will be undertaken. The Urban Forestry Management Plan will serve as a 20-year strategic document guiding urban forestry priorities. At this time a long list of recommendations will be considered ranging from canopy coverage, strategic planting initiatives and heritage tree protection.

Reducing Risks associated with increasing temperatures
18. Increase Capital for Shade Structures Completed In recent years, Parks Development has added additional shade structures to City Parks.
The following shade structures have been added to City parks since 2013.
Through the Parks Master Plan consultation phase, one of the main concerns for seniors and people with disabilities was the need for more trees or shelters for shade.