Appendix B: Status of Proposed short-term adaptation actions for the City of Windsor

Adaptation Action Cost Status Comments Next Steps
Reducing Risks Associated with Increased Precipitation
1. Mandatory
2013 - $2,000,000 Progressing

There are currently two mandatory
downspout disconnection areas (roughly
bound by Tecumseh Rd. E (north), CPR
tracks/Grand Marais Road (south), Howard
(west ) and Norman Rd. (east)). The
engineering department has sent out letters
to home owners systemically by postal code.
Residents can take advantage of the free
disconnection program by calling 311 to
register. To date, we’re able to disconnect
an average of 5 – 8 % of homes that register
for the disconnection program.

Ads were placed in the Summer 2017
Activity Guide to encourage participation in
the downspout disconnection program.

Discussions regarding making
downspout disconnection
mandatory are continuing and
recommendations will be
forthcoming in the Sewer Master
2014 - $400,000
2015 - $0
2016 - $330,000
2017 - $200,000
2018 - $1,000,000
2019 - $0
2020 - $0
Capital Budget and
Flooding Report
(CR128/2012) and
Capital Budget B22-
2. Mandatory 2011 - $500,000 Progressing

Effective January 1, 2012, the Building
Department's City-wide enforcement of the
Ontario Building Code by mandating
backwater valves on all newly constructed
single family dwellings, semi-detached
dwellings and townhouse dwellings.

The Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy
Program was introduced in July of 2011 to
encourage retrofits of existing homes. The
Program also includes retrofits of sump pits
and pumps to existing homes with no pre-
existing sump pit or pump. In the fall of

Continue to work with
homeowners to encourage them
to undertake improvements to
mitigate risk of basement
flooding. Additional educational
resources are to be developed.
Backwater valves 2012 - $250,000
2012 - $500,000*
2013 - $250,000
2014 - $900,000
2014 - $150,000*
2015 - $250,000
2016 - $1,200,000
2017 - $1,200,000
2017 - $3,500,000*
2018 - $420,000
2019 - $540,000
2020+ - $1,000,000