City of Hamilton, ON Yes Yes Yes (currently being updated to reflect new targets) 50% by 2030 and carbon neutral before 2050 based on 2006 baseline Currently 50% by 2030 and 80% by 2050 based on 2005 baseline (to be updated by Q2 2020) No In beginning stages and developing ProjectCharter/Work Plan
City of Candiac, QC No Yes (to be approved in May 2020) Yes (to be approved in May 2020) In development In development No Will be developed in 2021
City of Moncton, NB Yes No (we do have an ICSP) Yes Need to report back on the feasibility of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050 for both community and corporate 20% below 2002 by 2020(has been achieved) Yes  
Rivière-du-Loup, QC Yes Yes 2020, to be renewed Yes 2020, to be renewed 20% below 2008 by 2020 20% below 2008 by 2020 No Aiming for the end of 2021
Town of Orangeville, ON No No No None None No Aiming for 2021
Town of New Glasgow, NS No No No Plans and targets expectedSummer 2020.   No Looking to start adaptation planning in 2021
City of Kington, ON Yes Yes, being updated in2020/2021 ClimateLeadership Plan 15 per cent below 2011 baseline levels by 2020 and30 per cent by 2030.   No Start work in 2020 with Climate Leadership Plan
City of London, ON Yes Yes, and being updated with Climate EmergencyAction Plan 15% reduction from 1990 levels by 2020, 37% reduction from 1990 levels by 2030, and 80% reduction from 1990 levels by 2050.   No Continue working in2020 with the ClimateEmergency Action Plan
Township of Huron-Kinloss, ON No Expected Summer 2020 No Coming Soon