Little River Watershed Flood Plain Mapping

Dillon Consulting has been retained by the City of Windsor and the Essex Region Conservation Authority to create updated flood plain mapping for the entire Little River Watershed. Existing flood plain mapping for Little River was last completed in 1985. The assignment includes updating the existing mapping for areas already developed, as well as completing new mapping to be used as a guideline, based on the proposed land uses within the Sandwich South Lands, as well as Town of Tecumseh Lands within the Little River Watershed. Part of the assignment also includes the incorporation of resiliency into the analysis on account of climate change, which has not been considered in the previously completed flood plain mapping. This project has been fully funded by Council.

Urban Forestry Master Plan

The City of Windsor is preparing to undertake an Urban Forestry Management Plan following the completion of the tree inventory update project. These management plans are strategic documents designed to help guide the City’s actions to achieve a desired vision for the future. The urban forest plays a crucial role in building a climate resilient community by most notably up-taking storm water, increasing the absorption rates of Carbon Dioxide and providing the community with shade on hot days. However, it is also important to note that our urban forest is also vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. It is recommended that the Urban Forestry Management Plan include an analysis of our urban forest under a changing climate. For example, the plan will provide recommendations and guidance to the City’s Tree Planting program and identify for example which tree species to plant, (or not), and the importance of tree seed origins so that our urban forest are resilient and able to adapt to the changing climate. The loss of urban trees results in more stormwater runoff and increases the urban heat island effect.

The Forestry Division has plans to provide Council with a report in the fall of 2020 detailing the results of the tree inventory update project and the canopy cover assessment. It will provide details on the health, diversity, size and challenges facing the Urban Forest. This report will also notify Council that the Urban Forest Management Plan process has been initiated and that the objectives of the forthcoming plan is to identify the many ways the City can protect and enhance the City’s stewardship programs and the Urban Forest over the next 20 year period.

Pilot Projects for LID Practices at Residential Scale

One method to reduce the risk of flooding in the City is to control rainwater entering the system. One action recommended in the Sewer Master Plan is to implement low impact development practices (LIDs) within Residential Yards. Soak-away pits, rain gardens, permeable pavements and rain barrels are examples of LID practices that can be used within the constraints of a residential yard.