To combat this projected increase in climate change effects, in the 2016 Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, Canada identifies the following adaptation actions:

Recommended Priority 1 Adaptation Actions

Sewer Master Plan and East Riverside Flood Risk Assessment

The City of Windsor is developing a Sewer Master Plan to better understand flooding issues in the City with the final plan expected to be presented to Council in summer 2020. Modelling of the whole City sewer network and overland flood routes was completed using various historical storm intensities and current rainfall intensity curves. In addition, the climate change future 1:100 year storm was used to stress test the model to determine possible future conditions.

Recently, the findings of the East Riverside Flood Risk Assessment study conducted by Landmark Engineering has been incorporated into the Sewer Master Plan.

Many of the proposed actions in the draft Climate Change Adaptation Plan are tied to the implementation of the Sewer Master Plan.

The Sewer Master Plan study is currently funded and there are no additional funding requests in regards to climate change at this time. The Sewer Master Plan will outline long-term funding requirements when the final plan is brought forward to Council in summer 2020.