Item No. 8.10


Committee Matters: SCM 67/2020

Subject: Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate

Change Emergency Declaration - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Subject: Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate

Change Emergency Declaration - City Wide

Decision Number: ETPS 738

1. THAT City Council RECEIVE the Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration; and,

2. THAT City Council REQUEST Administration to begin considering Climate Change risks (mitigation and adaptation) under the Risk Section of City Council reports; and,

3. THAT Administration REPORT BACK before the end of 2020 on 1) the feasibility of the City of Windsor reporting on a carbon budget, 2) further expanding asset management tools to consider climate change, and 3) inclusion of climate change considerations into the development of the 2021 corporate budget documents; and,

4. THAT City Council APPROVE the creation of a Climate Change Reserve Fund; and,

5. THAT City Council APPROVE the transfer of $150,000 from the Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund into the Climate Change Reserve Fund; and

6. THAT City Council APPROVE the use of funding from the Climate Change Reserve Fund, for climate change initiatives broadly described in this report, through CAO Delegation of Authority (DOA) reports, subject to technical content being satisfactory to the City Engineer and financial content being satisfactory to the City Treasurer, and that these approvals BE REPORTED to Council as part of the regular semi annual DOA reporting; and,

7. THAT, as part of the 2021 Budget Process, Administration BRING FORWARD a request for the additional operating budget funding required to undertake the measures noted in this report and as detailed in the Financial Matters section; and,

8. THAT City Council APPROVE Administration to submit applications for grant funding (“the Grant”) in support of climate change initiatives, along with the following recommendations: a. That the Chief Administrative Officer BE AUTHORIZED to execute any agreements, declarations or approvals required to submit the application to the Grant;

Subject: Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate

Change Emergency Declaration - City Wide

Council Agenda - May 4, 2020